Search Engine Cluster ACG 조회
- 인쇄
Search Engine Cluster ACG 조회
- 인쇄
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Search Engine Cluster의 ACG를 확인합니다.
요청 URL
요청 헤더
헤더명 | 설명 |
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp | 1970년 1월 1일 00:00:00 협정 세계시(UTC)부터의 경과 시간을 밀리초(Millisecond)로 나타내며 API Gateway 서버와 시간 차가 5분 이상 나는 경우 유효하지 않은 요청으로 간주 x-ncp-apigw-timestamp:{Timestamp} |
x-ncp-iam-access-key | 네이버 클라우드 플랫폼 포털에서 발급받은 Access Key ID 값x-ncp-iam-access-key:{Account Access Key} |
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2 | Access Key ID 값과 Secret Key로 암호화한 서명x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2:{API Gateway Signature} |
Content-Type | Request body content type을 application/json으로 지정Content-Type: application/json |
요청 파라미터
파라미터 | 타입 | 필수 여부 | 설명 |
serviceGroupInstanceNo | String | Y | ACG를 조회할 Cluster 번호 |
요청 예시
Content-Type: application/json
x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zq0FrtlU8JZJi9esTK31bCQUNG3H+jo4CMjMkJDoWSc=
x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1593848345548
x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw
curl -X GET "" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "x-ncp-iam-access-key: 7fIvgFY428mtY6sY8maw" \
-H "x-ncp-apigw-timestamp: 1601971222179" \
-H "x-ncp-apigw-signature-v2: zrCelnR48AADdK/uh6Xe3yy468i8KpQoewYHUmeqYh4="
응답 파라미터
public class GetAcgInfoList {
GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo managerNodeAcgRule;
GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo dataNodeAcgRule;
GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo masterNodeAcgRule;
public class GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo {
List<AcgRuleResponseDetailVo> inboundAcgRules;
List<AcgRuleResponseDetailVo> outboundAcgRules;
public class AcgRuleResponseDetailVo {
Integer accessControlGroupRuleNo;
Integer accessControlGroupSequence;
String ipBlock;
Boolean isInboundRule;
String portRange;
String protocolTypeCode;
String accessControlGroupName;
Integer accessControlGroupNo;
DateTimeVo createdYmdt;
String description;
String statusCode;
public class DateTimeVo {
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd", timezone = "Asia/Seoul")
Date formattedDate;
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SSSSSS", timezone = "Asia/Seoul")
Date formattedDateTime;
Long utc;
파라미터명 | 타입 | 설명 |
managerNodeAcgRule | GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo | 매니저 노드의 ACG Rule |
dataNodeAcgRule | GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo | 데이터 노드의 ACG Rule |
masterNodeAcgRule | GetAccessControlGroupRuleListResponseVo | 마스터 노드의 ACG Rule |
inboundAcgRules | List<AcgRuleResponseDetailVo> | Inbound ACG Rule |
outboundAcgRules | List<AcgRuleResponseDetailVo> | Outbound ACG Rule |
accessControlGroupRuleNo | Integer | ACG 번호 |
accessControlGroupSequence | Integer | ACG Rule을 적용할 접근 소스의 ACG 번호 |
ipBlock | String | ACG Rule을 적용할 접근 소스의 IP |
isInboundRule | Boolean | Inbound Rule 여부 |
portRange | String | 포트 범위, 포트 프로토콜이 ICMP인 경우 사용되지 않음 |
protocolTypeCode | String | 프로토콜 유형 |
accessControlGroupName | String | ACG 이름 |
accessControlGroupNo | Integer | ACG 번호 |
createdYmdt | DateTimeVo | ACG가 생성된 시간 |
description | String | ACG 설명 |
statusCode | String | ACG 상태 |
formattedDate | Date | 생성된 날짜 |
formattedDateTime | Date | 생성된 날짜 및 시간 |
utc | Long | 생성된 UTC 시간을 millisecond로 변환 |
응답 예시
"code": 0,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"result": {
"managerNodeAcgRule": {
"inboundAcgRules": [
"accessControlGroupName": "searchengine-m-vtps",
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000571",
"utc": 1601975200571
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118617,
"accessControlGroupSequence": 62222,
"ipBlock": null,
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "22",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"accessControlGroupName": "searchengine-d-vtps",
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000559",
"utc": 1601975200559
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118616,
"accessControlGroupSequence": 62221,
"ipBlock": null,
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "9300",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"accessControlGroupName": "searchengine-m-vtps",
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000547",
"utc": 1601975200547
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118615,
"accessControlGroupSequence": 62222,
"ipBlock": null,
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "9300",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000535",
"utc": 1601975200535
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118614,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "80",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"outboundAcgRules": [
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000583",
"utc": 1601975200583
"description": "automatically created, don't delete it",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 32871,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": false,
"portRange": null,
"protocolTypeCode": "icmp"
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000581",
"utc": 1601975200581
"description": "automatically created, don't delete it",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 32870,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": false,
"portRange": "1-65535",
"protocolTypeCode": "udp"
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62222,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000579",
"utc": 1601975200579
"description": "automatically created, don't delete it",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 32869,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": false,
"portRange": "1-65535",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"dataNodeAcgRule": {
"inboundAcgRules": [
"accessControlGroupName": "searchengine-d-vtps",
"accessControlGroupNo": 62221,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000658",
"utc": 1601975200658
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118620,
"accessControlGroupSequence": 62221,
"ipBlock": null,
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "9300",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"accessControlGroupName": "searchengine-m-vtps",
"accessControlGroupNo": 62221,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000646",
"utc": 1601975200646
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118619,
"accessControlGroupSequence": 62222,
"ipBlock": null,
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "9300",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"accessControlGroupName": "searchengine-m-vtps",
"accessControlGroupNo": 62221,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000634",
"utc": 1601975200634
"description": "(automatically created, don't delete it) for the Elasticsearch Cluster itself",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 118618,
"accessControlGroupSequence": 62222,
"ipBlock": null,
"isInboundRule": true,
"portRange": "22",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"outboundAcgRules": [
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62221,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000668",
"utc": 1601975200668
"description": "automatically created, don't delete it",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 32874,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": false,
"portRange": null,
"protocolTypeCode": "icmp"
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62221,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000666",
"utc": 1601975200666
"description": "automatically created, don't delete it",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 32873,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": false,
"portRange": "1-65535",
"protocolTypeCode": "udp"
"accessControlGroupName": null,
"accessControlGroupNo": 62221,
"createdYmdt": {
"formattedDate": "2020-10-06",
"formattedDateTime": "2020-10-06 18:06:40 000664",
"utc": 1601975200664
"description": "automatically created, don't delete it",
"statusCode": "RUN",
"accessControlGroupRuleNo": 32872,
"accessControlGroupSequence": null,
"ipBlock": "",
"isInboundRule": false,
"portRange": "1-65535",
"protocolTypeCode": "tcp"
"masterNodeAcgRule": null
"requestId": "97d3fafd-a270-4bc3-8f7e-ecad1fb80487"
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