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    기사 요약


    계약 청구 비용


    private String memberNo;
    private String regionCode;
    private CommonCode demandType;
    private CommonCode demandTypeDetail;
    private Contract contract;
    private String demandMonth;
    private Double unitUsageQuantity;
    private Double packageUnitUsageQuantity;
    private Double totalUnitUsageQuantity;
    private CommonCode usageUnit;
    private Double productPrice;
    private Double useAmount;
    private Double promotionDiscountAmount;
    private Double etcDiscountAmount;
    private Double promiseDiscountAmount;
    private Double demandAmount;
    private Date writeDate;
    private Double memberPriceDiscountAmount;
    private Double memberPromiseDiscountAddAmount;
    private CommonCode payCurrency;
    private Double thisMonthAppliedExchangeRate;


    파라미터명필수 여부타입설명
    memberNoYesString회원 번호
    regionCodeYesString리전 코드
    demandTypeYesCommonCode청구 유형 코드
    demandTypeDetailYesCommonCode청구 유형 상세 코드
    demandMonthYesString청구 월
    unitUsageQuantityYesDouble단위 사용량
    packageUnitUsageQuantityYesDouble패키지 단위 사용량
    totalUnitUsageQuantityYesDouble총 단위 사용량
    usageUnitYesCommonCode사용량 단위
    productPriceYesDouble상품 가격
    useAmountYesDouble사용 금액
    promotionDiscountAmountYesDouble프로모션 할인 금액
    etcDiscountAmountYesDouble기타 할인 금액
    promiseDiscountAmountYesDouble약정 할인 금액
    demandAmountYesDouble청구 금액
    writeDateYesDate작성 일시 (format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
    memberPriceDiscountAmountYesDouble회원 요금제 할인 금액
    memberPromiseDiscountAddAmountYesDouble회원 약정 요금제 할인 금액
    payCurrencyYesCommonCode결제 통화
    thisMonthAppliedExchangeRateYesDouble이달 적용 환율

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