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    기사 요약


    청구 비용


    private String memberNo;
    private String demandMonth;
    private String demandNo;
    private String integrationDemandNo;
    private CommonCode demandAttribute;
    private Double useAmount;
    private Double promiseDiscountAmount;
    private Double promotionDiscountAmount;
    private Double etcDiscountAmount;
    private Double customerDiscountAmount;
    private Double productDiscountAmount;
    private Double creditDiscountAmount;
    private Double rounddownDiscountAmount;
    private Double currencyDiscountAmount;
    private Double coinUseAmount;
    private Double defaultAmount;
    private Double thisMonthDemandAmount;
    private Float thisMonthVatRatio;
    private Double thisMonthVatAmount;
    private Double thisMonthAmountIncludingVat;
    private Double totalDemandAmount;
    private Boolean isPaidUp;
    private Date paidUpDate;
    private Date overdueOccurDate;
    private Double overduePlusAmount;
    private Float overdueRatio;
    private Double thisMonthOverdueAmount;
    private String beforeMonthDemandNo;
    private Double totalOverdueAmount;
    private Date writeDate;
    private Double memberPriceDiscountAmount;
    private Double memberPromiseDiscountAddAmount;
    private CommonCode payCurrency;
    private Double thisMonthAppliedExchangeRate;


    파라미터명필수 여부타입설명
    memberNoYesString회원 번호
    demandMonthYesString청구 월
    demandNoYesString청구 번호
    integrationDemandNoYesString통합 청구 번호
    demandAttributeYesCommonCode청구 속성
    promiseDiscountAmountYesDouble약정 할인 금액
    promotionDiscountAmountYesDouble프로모션 할인 금액
    etcDiscountAmountYesDouble기타 할인 금액
    customerDiscountAmountYesDouble고객 할인 금액
    productDiscountAmountYesDouble상품 할인 금액
    creditDiscountAmountYesDouble크레딧 할인 금액
    rounddownDiscountAmountYesDouble절사 할인 금액
    currencyDiscountAmountYesDouble통화 할인 금액
    coinUseAmountYesDouble코인 사용 금액
    defaultAmountYesDouble위약 금액
    thisMonthDemandAmountYesDouble이달 청구 금액
    thisMonthVatRatioYesFloat이달 VAT 비율
    thisMonthVatAmountYesDouble이달 VAT 금액
  • 이달 청구
  • VAT 합산 금액
  • totalDemandAmountYesDouble총 청구 합산
    isPaidUpYesBoolean지불 완료 여부
    paidUpDateYesDate지불 일시
    overdueOccurDateYesDate미납 발생 일시
    overduePlusAmountYesDouble미납 가산금 금액
    overdueRatioYesFloat미납 가산금 비율
    thisMonthOverdueAmountYesDouble이달 미납 금액
    beforeMonthDemandNoYesString전월 청구 번호
    totalOverdueAmountYesDouble미납 총액
    writeDateYesDate작성일시 (format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
    memberPriceDiscountAmountYesDouble회원 요금제 할인 금액
    memberPromiseDiscountAddAmountYesDouble회원 약정 요금제 할인 금액
    payCurrencyYesCommonCode결제 통화
    thisMonthAppliedExchangeRateYesDouble이달 적용 환율

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