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    기사 요약

    Cloud DB for MSSQL 서버 인스턴스


    private String cloudMssqlServerInstanceNo;
    private String cloudMssqlServerName;
    private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerRole;
    private String cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusName;
    private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatus;
    private CommonCode cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperation;
    private String regionCode;
    private String zoneCode;
    private String vpcNo;
    private String subnetNo;
    private Long dataStorageSize;
    private Integer cpuCount;
    private Long memorySize;
    private Boolean isPublicSubnet;
    private String cloudMssqlProductCode;
    private String privateDomain;
    private Date createDate;
    private Date uptime;
    private CommonCode dataStorageType;
    private Long usedDataStorageSize;


    파라미터타입필수 여부설명
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceNoStringYCloud DB for MSSQL 서버 인스턴스 번호
    cloudMssqlServerNameStringYCloud DB for MSSQL 서버 이름
    cloudMssqlServerRoleCommonCodeYCloud DB for MSSQL 서버 역할
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusNameStringYCloud DB for MSSQL 서버 인스턴스 상태 이름
    - creating
    - deleted
    - deleting
    - downgrading
    - pending
    - recovering
    - reinstalling
    - restarting
    - running
    - settingup
    - shuttingdown
    - stopped
    - upgrading
    - downgrading
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceStatusCommonCodeYCloud DB for MSSQL 서버 인스턴스 상태 코드
    - DEL (deleted)
    - PEND (pending)
    - RUN (running)
    - STOP (stopped)
    - FSTOP (failure stopped)
    cloudMssqlServerInstanceOperationCommonCodeYCloud DB for MSSQL 서버 인스턴스 Operation 코드
    - NOOP (no operation)
    - CREAT (create)
    - START (start)
    - RSTRT (restart)
    - SETUP (setup)
    - STOP (stop)
    - FO (failover)
    - DEL (delete)
    - UPGD (upgrade)
    - DWGD (downgrade)
    - RISTL (reinstall)
    regionCodeStringY리전 코드
    zoneCodeStringYZone 코드
    vpcNoStringYVPC 번호
    subnetNoStringYSubnet 번호
    dataStorageSizeLongY데이터 스토리지 사이즈
    cpuCountIntegerYCPU 개수
    memorySizeLongY메모리 사이즈
    isPublicSubnetBooleanNPublic Subnet 여부
    cloudMssqlProductCodeStringNCloud DB for MSSQL 상품 코드
    privateDomainStringN사설 도메인명
    uptimeDateNVM 부팅 완료 시간
    dataStorageTypeCommonCodeN데이터 스토리지 타입
    usedDataStorageSizeLongN사용중인 데이터 스토리지 사이즈

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