Live Station 오류 코드
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    Live Station 오류 코드

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    기사 요약

    오류 코드

    Live Station API 요청이 잘못되었거나, 처리 도중 오류가 발생하면 HTTP 상태코드로 성공/실패를 반환하고 JSON 형식으로 상세 메시지를 반환합니다.

    오류 코드는 Live Station API의 '공통 오류 코드'와 'API Gateway 오류 코드' 두 가지입니다.

    오류 코드오류명응답 메시지설명
    250000EXCEPTIONUnexpected error occurred.오류 발생
    250001CUSTOM_MESSAGE{0}오류 발생
    250002INVALID_FORMAT{0}: invalid value.요청값의 포맷이 올바르지 않음
    250003REQUIRED_HEADERMissing required header.필수 요청 헤더가 누락됨
    250004NOT_FOUND{0} not found.요청 리소스를 찾을 수 없음
    250005NOT_AVAILABLE{0} not available.요청 리소스 사용 불가
    250006UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized {0}.요청 리소스에 권한이 없음
    250007CONNECTION_FAILED{0} connection failed.커넥션 연결에 실패
    250008REQUEST_FAILEDRequest failed.요청 실패
    250009THIRD_SERVER_EXCEPTIONThird-party interface exception: {0}.내부 오류 발생
    250010POLICY_CHECK_FAILEDWe cannot accomplish the task as permissions are not granted for the sub account.
    Please modify permissions for the account through the Sub Account service.
    Sub Account 권한이 충분하지 못함
    250011NEED_VALUE{0} must has a valid value유효한 값이 아님
    250012JSON_PARSE_GENERAL_ERRORInvalid request data,please check데이터가 유효하지 않음
    250014FORMVALIDATION_FAILEDForm validation failed데이터가 유효하지 않음
    250016INTERNAL_SERVER_ERRORServer error서버 오류 발생
    250017OPEN_API_UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized요청 리소스에 권한이 없음
    250018OPEN_API_BAD_REQUESTBad Request잘못된 요청
    250019OPEN_API_UNSUPPORTED_REGIONThe Region {0} not support now.현재 지원하지 않는 리전
    250020OPEN_API_INVALID_REGION_CODEInvalid region code {0}.유효하지 않은 리전 코드
    250021OPEN_API_PARAM_TYPE_ERRORInvalid parameter type.{0} can not convert to type {1}.유효하지 않은 파라미터 타입
    250022INVALID_HTTP_HTTPS_URLThe url that you specified is not invalid format.URL 의 형식이 올바르지 않음
    250023OPEN_API_USER_NO_PERMISSIONS{0} no permissions.API 의 권한이 없음
    250024INVALID_PAGE_SIZEWRONG_PAGE_SIZENO_PARAMETER (valid range 1~100)지원하지 않는 paze_size_no 요청
    250100CHANNEL_NOT_FOUNDChannel is not found채널을 찾을 수 없음
    250101CHANNEL_IS_NOT_PUBLISHINGThis channel is not publishing now현재 송출중인 채널이 아님
    250102CHANNEL_IS_PUBLISHINGThis channel is publishing현재 송출중인 채널
    250103CHANNEL_NEVER_BEEN_PUBLISHEDThis channel has never been published.한번도 송출되지 않은 채널
    250104CHANNEL_NAME_IS_WRONGChannel names can be entered with a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. Special character “_” allowed.채널명이 Live Station 에서 지원하는 형식이 아님
    3자 이상 20자 이하, "_" 허용
    250105START_TEST_PUBLISH_FAILEDStart publish failed
    250106STOP_TEST_PUBLISH_FAILEDStop publish failed
    250107CDN_IS_NOT_RUNNINGThis channel's CDN is not running이 채널의 CDN 이 동작하지 않음
    250108CDN_NOT_SET_SECURE_TOKENCDN secure token cannot set
    250109CNANNEL_CANNOT_DELETE_DUE_TO_CDN_STATUSIf CDN status is creating or changing, channel cannot be deleted.CDN 상태가 생성중이거나 변경중이면 채널을 삭제할 수 없음
    250110CHANNEL_CANNOT_CREATE_INSTANCECannot create channel, reason: {0}
    250111CHANNEL_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NOTIFICATION_WRONG_NOTITYPEWrong notification typeNotification 타입이 올바르지 않음
    250112CHANNEL_CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NOTIFICATIONCannot configure Notification
    250113UNAVAILABLE_CHANNELIn order to return channel, CDN must be returned first.
    250114CHANNEL_CAN_DELETE_ONLY_READYChannel can be deleted only in 'READY' state.READY 상태의 채널만 반납 가능
    250115CHANNEL_DID_NOT_SET_DVRThe channel didn't set DVRDVR 이 설정되지 않은 채널
    250116MISSING_QUALITYSET_IDThe request did not include the required "QualitySet"
    250118NEED_CDN_TYPEThe request did not include the required "CDN_TYPE"
    250119NEED_CDN_INSTANCE_NOThe cdnInstanceNo is needed when createCdn is false.
    250120WRONG_CDN_TYPEThe cdn type that you specified is not allowed: only "CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" is supported.- 지원하지 않는 CDN 타입
    "CDN_PLUS", "GCDN" 만 지원
    250121WRONG_IMMEDIATE_ONA_IR_SETThe request channel did not set useDvr.
    250122WRONG_TIME_MACHINE_MIN_IN_SETThe timemachineMin should be 360.timemachineMin 은 360분으로만 설정 가능
    250123NOT_FOUND_CHANNELIDThe specified channel Id does not exist.존재하지 않는 채널ID
    250124NOT_FOUND_CDNThe request does not allowed: You can get url only cdn status is "RUNNING"
    250125NOT_FOUND_CHANNELThe request does not allowed: You can get url only channel status is "READY"
    250126INVALID_TARGET_PLATFORM_PROFESSIONALThe number of professional type can not exceed 5 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 5
    250127INVALID_PLAN_TYPEThe plan type that you specified is not allowed.
    250128INVALID_TARGET_PLARFORM_STANDARDThe number of standard plan type can not exceed 3 : targetPlatform is allowed between 1 and 3
    250129INVALID_TARGET_INVALID_RTMP_URLThe input of rtmp url that you specified is not allowed
    250130INVALID_WRONG_TARGET_NAMEThe restream targetName value that you specified is not allowed : [STEAM, MIXER , TWITCH , YOUNOW , USTREAM , AFREECA_TV , NAVER_TV , V_LIVE, LINE_TV , PRISM, LIVESTATION, CUSTOM] ar e supported.
    250131INVALID_RESTREAM_CHANNEL_NAMEThe channel value that you specified is not allowed.
    250132CHANNEL_CAN_UPDATE_ONLY_READYChannel can be updated only in 'READY' state.
    250133WRONG_RECORD_START_REQUESTThe request channel did not set useDvr
    250134INVALID_RECORD_START_REQUESTThe request channel status is no "PUBLISHING"
    250135DUPICATE_RECORD_STARTThe request does not allowed : the recording has been start already
    250136INVALID_RECORD_STARTThe request does not allowed : the recording has been start already
    250137WRONG_RECORD_STOP_REQUESTThe request does not allowed : the recording status is not "TRUE"
    250138NEED_TIME_MACHINE_MINThe param timemacineMin is needed when useDvr is true.
    250139IMMEDIATE_ONAIR_SHOULD_FALSEThe param immediateOnair should be false when NO_RECORD set
    250140CREATE_CHANNEL_CDN_RUNNINGCdn status should be running when create channel.
    250141NOT_ONAIR_STATUSYou can get time machine url only recording status is TRUE.
    250142CHANNEL_NAME_NOT_NULLChannelName should not be null.
    250143MISSING_STREAM_KEYThe request did not include the required "stream key".
    250144CHANNEL_REACH_LIMITThe creation limit is set.
    You can no longer create {0}.
    Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
    Generation limit: {1} / Number of generations: {2}
    채널 생성 제약
    250145CHANNEL_REACH_LIMIT_GBThe creation limit is set.
    You can no longer create {0}.
    Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
    Generation limit: {1} / Number of generations: {2}
    채널 생성 제약
    250146DETAIL_REACH_LIMITThe creation limit is set.
    You can no longer create {0}.
    Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
    Product Type : {1} / Generation limit: {2} / Number of generations: {3}
    채널 생성 제약
    250147DETAIL_REACH_LIMIT_GBThe creation limit is set.
    You can no longer create {0}.
    Please contact customer support or your administrator to modify the limit.
    Product Type : {1} / Generation limit: {2} / Number of generations: {3}
    채널 생성 제약
    250148LIMIT_SETThere is a restriction set on how many can be created. No more {0} can be created.
    250149DUPLICATE_CHANNEL_ONThere is a restriction set on how many can be created. No more {0} can be created.
    250150CHANNEL_CAN_NOT_OFFIt may be set as OFF only when the channel status is READY or PUBLISHING.
    250151RECORD_FILE_DETAIL_PATH_ERRORThe detail path can be at least 1 character, up to 20 characters and must start with '/'. (include English, /, -, _, numbers)
    250152VOD_CHANNEL_CAN_NOT_OFFIt may be set as OFF only when the channel status is RESERVED or PUBLISHING.
    250153QUALITYSET_NOT_ALLOWEDThe request qualitySet not allowed.
    250154VOD_CHANNEL_BAD_STATUS_FOR_SERVICE_URLQuality is not found.
    250155VOD_CHANNEL_UPDATE_IN_INVALID_STATUSQuality is not found.Channel setting can be update available only in READY, RESERVED.
    250200SCHEDULE_MAX_FILE_SIZEThe schedule vod files size limit is 50.
    250201SCHEDULE_INVALID_START_TIMEThe valid start time is bigger than now+10 minutes and less than now+14 days.
    250202VOD_FORMAT_NOT_VALIDThe request does not allowed : it allowed only MP4 format.
    250203SCHEDULE_VOD_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDDownload vod files failed.
    250204SCHEDULE_VOD_INVALID_FORMATUn-support vod file type.
    250205SCHEDULE_VOD_OVER_MAX_DURATIONThe total video duration over 24hours.
    250206SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUNDSchedule not found.
    250207SCHEDULE_EVENT_PROCESSINGschedule processing
    250208SCHEDULE_EVENT_PROCESSING_FAILschedule processing failed
    250209SCHEDULE_EVENT_CREATINGschedule creating
    250210SCHEDULE_INVALID_START_TIME_FORMATInvalid start time format, the valid format is yyyyMMddHHmmss.
    250211SCHEDULE_UPDATE_WITH_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUSYou can update schedule when channel status is RESERVED.
    250212SCHEDULE_ALREADY_BIND_CHANNELYou can't create schedule for this channel, because a schedule has bind to the channel.
    250213SCHEDULE_CREATE_INVALID_CHANNEL_STATUSYou can create schedule when channel status is READY
    250214SCHEDULE_VOD_PATH_NOT_EXISTSInvalid vod file paths : {0}.
    250215SCHEDULE_UPDATE_NEED_ONE_OR_MORE_FIELDYou should request update one or more fields.
    250300QUALITY_NOT_FOUNDQuality is not found.
    250301QUALITYSET_ID_NOT_FOUNDThe qualitySetId that you specified not found.
    250302QUALITYSET_MUST_HAVE_ONLY_ONE_1080PQuality set must have only one 1080p quality.
    250303OPEN_API_SYSTEM_QUALITY_PROFILE_CANNOT_DELETEDelete system quality profile is not allowed.
    250304QUALITY_INVALID_USER_INFOInvalid user info.
    250305QUALITY_SET_FORBIDDEN_UPDATESystem resource cannot updateSystem 리소스는 업데이트 불가
    250306RESOURCE_IN_USEResource is in use현재 사용중인 리소스
    250307INVALID_SEGMENT_DURATIONThe segment duration value that you specified is not allowd (exceeds valid limit or wrong type) : valid value is allowed integer value between 1000 and 10000 in 500 units is supported. (unit : milliseconds )
    250309OPEN_API_INVALID_SEGMENT_COUNTThe segment count value that you specified is not allowed (exceeds valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 2 and 10
    250311OPEN_API_SYSTEM_QUALITYSET_CANNOT_DELETEDelete system quality set is not allowed.System 리소스 삭제 불가
    250312QS_NAME_RULEOnly Alphabets, Numbers and Hypen are allowed. The length must be between 3 and 20 characters.영문, 숫자, "-" 허용, 3자 이상 20자
    250313QUALITY_SIZE_RANGEquality size error (min:1, max:4)Quality 는 최소 1개, 최대 4개까지 설정 가능
    250314QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODECVideo codec must have a value
    250315QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC_PROFILEVideo codec profile must have a value
    250316QUALITY_VIDEO_NEED_CODEC_PROFILE_LEVELVideo codec profile level must have a value
    250321Video bitrate must be greater than or equal to 1
    250322QUALITY_VIDEO_BITRATE_SMALLERVideo bitrate must be less than or equal to 20000000
    250323QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_BIGGERVideo B frames must be greater than or equal to 0
    250324QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_SMALLERVideo B frames must be less than or equal to 4
    250325QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_CODECAudio codec must have a value
    250327QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_SAMPLERATEAudio sampling rate must have a value
    250328QUALITY_AUDIO_NEED_CHANNELAudio channels must have a value
    250333QUALITY_AUDIO_PROFILE_AAC_ONLY{0} Profile only when AAC
    250334QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_480PbFrames only 0 is available if resolution less than 409920(854*480)
    250335QUALITY_VIDEO_BFRAME_720PbFrames only 0,1,2 are available if resolution less than 921600 (1280*720)
    250336QUALITY_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_BIGGERVideo frame rate must be greater than or equal to 1Video frame rate 는 1 이상으로 설정해야 함
    250337QUALITY_VIDEO_FRAMERATE_SMALLERVideo frame rate be less than or equal to 60Video frame rate 은 60 이하로 설정해야 함
    250341QUALITY_VIDEO_ONLY_BASELINE_PROFILEOnly profile 'BASELINE' available for resolution less than 921600 (1280*720)
    250342QUALITY_VIDEO_SIZE_EVEN_INTEGEROnly even integer are available for video width and height
    250343QUALITY_TICKTOK_INTERVALInterval must bigger than 0Interval 은 무조건 0 보다 커야 함
    250344QUALITY_TICKTOK_KEYMust input key
    250345QUALITY_TICKTOK_HEADERMust input header
    250348INVALID_CONTENT_TYPEThe request did not set content-type to "application/json"
    250351OPEN_API_INVALID_TIMEDMETA_INTERVALThe timedmeta that you specified is not allowed: only integer "1000" is supported.
    250353WRONG_AUDIO_CODECThe audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only "AAC", "MP3" audio codec is supported.
    250354WRONG_AUDIO_CODEC_PROFILEThe profile value of audio codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile LC is supported.
    250355WRONG_AAC_AUDIO_CHANNELThe audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] are supported
    250356WRONG_MP3_AUDIO_CHANNELThe audio channel value that you specified is not allowed: only audio channel value [0, 1, 2] are supported.
    250357WRONG_AUDIO_BITRATEThe audio bitrate value that you specified is not allowed(exceed valid limit or wrong type): valid value is allowed integer between 16 and 320.
    250358WRONG_AAC_AUDIO_SAMPLINGRATEThe audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value AAC: [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000,32000, 44100, 48000, 64000,88200,96000] are supported.
    250359WRONG_MP3_AUDIO_SAMPLINGRATEThe audio sampling rate that you specified is not allowed: only audio sampling rate value MP3:[8000,11025, 12000,16000,22050,24000,32000,44100,48000] are supported.
    250360WRONG_VIDEO_CODECThe video codec that you specified is not allowed: only "H264" format is supported.
    250361WRONG_VIDEO_CODEC_PROFILEThe profile of video codec that you specified is not allowed: only profile value [BASELINE, MAIN, HIGH] are supported.
    250362WRONG_VIDEO_ORIENTATIONThe orientation of video that you specified is not allowed: only [FIX] is supported.
    250363WRONG_VIDEO_PROFILE_LEVELThe profile level of video that you specified is not allowed. only [0] is supported
    250364WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_CODEC_REFERENCE_FRAMESThe reference frames of video that you specified is not allowed, only [1] is supported.
    250365WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_BITRATEThe video  bitrate value that you specified is not allowed: video bitrate value is an integer greater than 0
    250366WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_WIDTHThe width of video that you specified is not allowed: only width [integer between 128 and 1920] are supported.
    250367WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_HEIGHTThe height of video that you specified is not allowed: only height [integer between 96 and 1920] are supported.
    250368WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_FRAMERATEThe frame rate of video that you specified is not allowed : only frame rate value [10, 15, 23.97, 24, 29.97, 30, 50, 60] are supported.
    250370WRONG_PRESET_VIDEO_RATE_CONTROLThe rate control of video that you specified is not allowed : only width [VBR, CBR] are supported.
    250372MISSING_OBJECT_VIDEOThe request did not include the required "video" object
    250373MISSING_OBJECT_AUDIOThe request did not include the required "audio " object
    250374SYSTEM_QUALITY_PROFILE_CANNOT_DELETEDelete system quality profile is not allowed.System quality profile 은 삭제 불가
    250375MISSING_TIMED_METADATAThe request did not include the required "timedMetadata" object.(if "enableHlsTimedMetadata": true, timedMetadata object should be included.)
    250376TIMEDMETADATA_KEY_INVALIDThe timedmeta that you specified of key is not allowed: only "utc" is supported.
    250377MISSING_ENABLE_HLS_TIMED_METAThe request did not include the required "enableHlsTimedMeta"
    250378MISSING_AUDIO_BITRATEThe request do not include the required "audio bitrate"
    250502RECORD_FILE_UPLOAD_ERRORRecord file upload error레코딩 파일을 업로드하는 중에 오류 발생
    250504RECORD_FILE_CANNOT_DELETECan not delete Record file: {0}레코딩 파일 삭제 불가
    250505COULD_NOT_GET_OBJS_OAUTHCan't get objectStorage's access oAuthObject Storage 에 접근할 수 있는 권한 획득 실패
    250506RECORD_LIST_NEED_CHANNEL_IDChannelId param should not be null when get record list.레코딩 목록을 조회할 때 채널ID 파라미터 필요
    250507RECORD_UPLOAD_WRONG_STATUSRecord status should be TRANSFER_READY or TRANSFER_FAIL when upload.레코딩 파일이 업로드를 할 수 있는 상태가 아님
    250508NOT_APPLY_OBJECT_STORAGEObject storage do not apply.Object Storage 미구독
    250701INVALID_RECORDID_UPLOADThe record id that you request upload does not exist.
    250702NOT_FOUND_RECORDIDThe record id does not exist.
    250703INPUT_BUCKETNAMEThe input bucket name that you specified is not allowed.
    250704OUTPUT_BUCKETNAMEThe output bucket name that you specified is not allowed.
    250705BUCKET_NOT_FOUNDThe input bucket name doesn't exist.
    250706RECORD_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe record file not found
    250707BUCKET_LOAD_ERRORCould not find object bucket.
    250157SNOASHOT_CREATE_NOT_ALLOWEDSnapshot can create since publishing minimum 1 second
    250158SNAPSHOT_CANNOT_CREATE_IN_DVR_FALSESnapshot can not create in dvr false.
    250159SNAPSHOT_NOT_FOUNDRequested snapshot not found.
    250160SHORT_CLIP_FILE_PATH_ERRORThe file path should be between 1 and 800 characters. It must begin with "/" and can include English letters, /, -, _, and numbers.
    250161SHORT_CLIP_INVALID_STARTInvalid start time, the minimum start is 0
    250162SHORT_CLIP_INVALID_ENDInvalid end time , the end time minus start time must bigger or equal to 100.
    250163SHORT_CLIP_UNSUPPORTEDThe request not allowed, you can create short clip when channel status READY or PUBLIHSING
    250164SHORT_CLIP_CREATINGThe short clip file {0} is being created. (Snapshot ID: {1})
    250165SHORT_CLIP_COMPLETEDThe short clip {0} file has been created. (Snapshot ID: {1})
    250166SHORT_CLIP_PROCESSING_FAILFailed to create short clip file {0}. (Snapshot ID: {1})
    250167SHORT_CLIP_UPLOAD_FAILFailed to upload short clip {0} file. (Snapshot ID: {1})
    250168SHORT_CLIP_NOT_FOUNDShort clip not found.
    250169SNAPSHOT_CREATEDSnapshot ID: {0} created.
    250170SNAPSHOT_CREATE_FAILEDSnapshot ID: {0} create failed.
    250171CHANNEL_SNAPSHOT_MISMATCHThe request not allowed,channel and snapshot info mismatch.
    250172SHORT_CLIP_START_TIME_TOO_BIGThe request start time too big.
    250173SHORT_CLIP_END_TIME_TOO_BIGThe request end time too big.
    250174SNAPSHOT_EXPIREDShort clip create not allowed: Snapshot expired.
    250400CONTENT_NOT_FOUNDContent not found.
    250401CURTAIN_INSERT_FAILEDLive curtain insert failed.
    250402CURTAIN_REMOVE_FAILEDLive curtain remove failed.
    250403HAS_INVALID_CONTENT_IDYour request not allowed: invalid content id.
    250404CURTAIN_INSERT_INVALID_STATUSYour request not allowed: invalid status.
    250405CURTAIN_CONTENT_HAS_DIFFERENT_RESOLUTIONYour request not allowed: the content you requested has different resolution.
    250406CURTAIN_REMOVE_WITH_INVALID_STATUSYour request not allowed: remove live curtain with invalid status.
    250407LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_CREATINGCreating curtain content.
    250408LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_READYReady curtain content.
    250409LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_PROCESSING_FAILCurtain content process fail.
    250410LIVE_CURTAIN_CONTENT_DELETEDCurtain content deleted.
    250411CURTAIN_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILEDCurtain content download failed.
    250412CONTENT_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe input content file not found: {0}.
    250413CONTENT_FILE_SIZE_TOO_BIGThe input content file size is too big,The supported max size is 100MB.
    250414CONTENT_FILE_UNSUPPORTEDThe input content file type unsupported.
    250415CONTENT_FILE_LIMIT_TO_ONE_IMG_AND_AUDIOOnly one image,one audio supported if contains both image and audio.
    250416CONTENT_CREATE_INVALID_FORMATThe request not allowed: valid format is img or img + audio or video1,video2...videoN.
    250417CONTENT_VIDEO_FILE_LENGTH_LIMITYour request not allowed: the video input count limit is 10.
    250418CONTENT_IMAGE_FILE_LENGTH_LIMITYour request not allowed: the image input count limit is 1.
    250419CURTAIN_INSERT_TIME_OUT_OF_RANGEThe insert time unsupported, allowed value is 1-10.
    250420LIVE_CURTAIN_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWEDLive curtain feature only support general channel and quality setting that doesn’t include bypass, audio only quality profile.
    250421CONTENT_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWEDThe content can't be deleted during CREATING.
    250422LIVE_CURTAIN_STARTED_ALREADYLive curtain has started already.
    250423CONTENT_IN_USINGYour request not allowed, content is in using.

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