- API 개요
- API 개요
- API 호출 및 인증
- API 데이터 타입
- CloudMongoDbBucketList
- CloudMongoDbBucket
- CloudMongoDbDbServerLogList
- CloudMongoDbDbServerLog
- CloudMssqlBucket
- CloudMssqlBucketList
- CloudMssqlFolder
- CloudMssqlFolderList
- CloudMssqlLogFile
- CloudMssqlLogFileList
- BlockStorageVolumeType
- BlockStorageVolumeTypeList
- HypervisorTypeList
- ServerSpec
- ServerSpecList
- BlockStorageMapping
- ServerImage
- ServerImageList
- FlowLogConfigurationList
- FlowLogConfiguration
- DomainCreateRequest
- DomainDetailResponse
- DomainQueryResponse
- LbRecordResponse
- RecordCreateRequest
- RecordResponse
- RecordUpdateRequest
- CommonCode
- CommonResponse
- AccessControlGroup
- AccessControlGroupList
- Discount
- AccessControlGroupNoList
- AccessControlGroupRule
- AccessControlGroupRuleList
- ActivityLog
- ActivityLogList
- AdjustmentType
- AdjustmentTypeList
- AutoScalingGroup
- AutoScalingGroupList
- BlockDevicePartition
- BlockStorageInstance
- BlockStorageInstanceList
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstanceList
- Contract
- ContractDemandCost
- ContractUsageListByDaily
- DomainResponse
- ContractDemandCostList
- ContractList
- ContractProduct
- ContractUsageListByDailyList
- ContractSummary
- ContractSummaryList
- ContractUsageList
- CostRelationCode
- CostRelationCodeList
- CountryUnit
- CountryPeriodUnit
- DemandCost
- DemandCostList
- DiscountList
- CoinHistory
- CoinHistoryList
- Coin
- ShareCoinSnapshot
- CoinUseHistory
- CreditHistory
- CreditHistoryList
- Credit
- CreditUseHistory
- HostHeaderCondition
- HostHeaderList
- InAutoScalingGroupServerInstance
- InitScript
- InitScriptList
- IpList
- BlockStorageSnapshotInstance
- KeyName
- LaunchConfiguration
- LaunchConfigurationList
- LoadBalancerInstance
- LoadBalancerInstanceList
- LoadBalancerIpList
- LoadBalancerSubnet
- LoadBalancerListener
- LoadBalancerListenerList
- LoadBalancerListenerNoList
- CipherSuiteList
- LoadBalancerRule
- LoadBalancerRuleAction
- LoadBalancerRuleCondition
- LoadBalancerRuleList
- LoadBalancerRuleNoList
- LoginKey
- LoginKeyList
- MemberServerImageInstance
- MemberServerImageInstanceList
- NasVolumeInstance
- NasVolumeInstanceList
- NasVolumeInstanceRating
- NasVolumeInstanceRatingList
- NasVolumeSnapshotConfigurationHistory
- NasVolumeSnapshotConfigurationHistoryList
- NasVolumeSnapshot
- NasVolumeSnapshotList
- NasVolumeAccessControlRule
- NasVolumeAccessControlRuleList
- NatGatewayInstance
- NatGatewayInstanceList
- NetworkAcl
- NetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- NetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList
- NetworkAclList
- NetworkAclRule
- NetworkAclRuleList
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkInterfaceList
- NetworkInterfaceNoList
- PackageUnit
- PathPatternCondition
- PathPatternList
- PeriodUnit
- PlacementGroup
- PlacementGroupList
- PMCreateUpdateDto
- Price
- PriceList
- PrivateKey
- Promise
- Process
- ProcessList
- Product
- Product(For Billing)
- ProductDemandCost
- ProductDemandCostList
- ProductList
- ProductList(For Billing)
- ProductPrice
- ProductPriceList
- ProductCategoryList
- ProductDemandType
- PublicIpInstance
- PublicIpInstanceList
- Raid
- RaidList
- RedirectionAction
- Region
- Region(For Billing)
- RegionList
- RegionList(For Billing)
- RootPassword
- RootPasswordServerInstance
- RootPasswordServerInstanceList
- Route
- RouteList
- RouteTable
- RouteTableList
- ScalingPolicy
- ScalingPolicyList
- ScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- ScheduledUpdateGroupActionList
- SecondaryIpList
- ServerInstance
- ServerInstanceList
- ServerInstanceNoList
- Subnet
- SubnetList
- SubnetNoList
- SuspendedProcess
- Target
- TargetGroup
- TargetGroupAction
- TargetGroupList
- TargetGroupNoList
- TargetGroupWeight
- TargetList
- TargetNoList
- Usage
- Vpc
- VpcList
- VpcPeeringInstance
- VpcPeeringInstanceList
- Zone
- ZoneList
- AddressBookRequest
- AddressBookResponse
- AttachFile
- Category
- CountByStatus
- EmailRecipientType
- EmailReservationStatus
- EmailStatus
- HistoryActionType
- MailListResponse
- MemberServerImage
- NesDateTime
- Recipient
- RecipientForRequest
- RecipientGroupFilter
- RequestListResponse
- RequesterType
- SendBlockHistoryResponse
- Sort
- TemplateBackupStatus
- TemplateExportRequestResponse
- TemplateStructureResponse
- GeoLocation
- AutocompleteSearchQuery
- AutocompleteSearchSchema
- BuildInfo
- Container
- DocProperty
- DomainUsage
- Index
- IndexProcessor
- Schema
- SearchAggregate
- SearchHighlighting
- SearchPassage
- SearchQuery
- SearchResultProcessing
- UnsubscribersListResponse
- SearchScope
- SearchSetting
- Section
- SectionPrice
- SectionPriceList
- AsgPolicy
- ChartDataWidgetDto
- CreateOrUpdateMetricsGrpDto
- CreateOrUpdateRuleGroupDto
- DataQueryRequest
- DataQueryRequestMetricInfo
- DeleteRuleGroupItemDto
- DimensionDto
- DimensionsSelected
- DirectRuleGroupCreateDto
- EventSearchRequest
- EventSearchRequestById
- FieldDto
- MetricListRequest
- MetricsGroupItem
- MonitorGroupItem
- MonitorGrpDto
- RecipientNotification
- PersonalRecipientNotification
- RuleGroupItemDto
- SuspendRuleItemDto
- TypeGroupRelatedRuleDto
- WidgetMetricInfoDto
- CloudMysqlConfigList
- CloudMysqlInstance
- CloudMysqlServerInstance
- CloudMysqlInstanceList
- CloudMysqlBackup
- CloudMysqlBackupList
- CloudMysqlBackupDetail
- CloudMysqlBackupDetailList
- CloudMysqlDbServerLog
- CloudMysqlDbServerLogList
- CloudMysqlRecoveryTime
- CloudMysqlDatabase
- CloudMysqlDatabaseList
- CloudMysqlEventHistory
- CloudMysqlEventHistoryList
- CloudMysqlUser
- CloudMysqlUserList
- CloudRedisBackupDetail
- CloudRedisBackupDetailList
- CloudRedisBackup
- CloudRedisConfigGroup
- CloudRedisBackupList
- CloudRedisConfigGroupList
- CloudRedisInstance
- CloudRedisInstanceList
- CloudRedisServerInstance
- CloudMssqlBackup
- CloudMssqlBackupDetail
- CloudMssqlBackupDetailList
- CloudMssqlBackupList
- CloudMssqlLogBackupFile
- CloudMssqlLogBackupFileList
- CloudMssqlCharacterSet
- CloudMssqlCharacterSetList
- CloudMssqlConfigGroup
- CloudMssqlConfigGroupList
- CloudMssqlInstance
- CloudMssqlInstanceList
- CloudMssqlServerInstance
- SharedLoginIdList
- CloudMongoDbBackup
- CloudMongoDbBackupDetail
- CloudMongoDbBackupDetailList
- CloudMongoDbBackupList
- CloudMongoDbInstance
- CloudMongoDbInstanceList
- CloudMongoDbServerInstance
- CloudPostgresqlConfigList
- CloudPostgresqlInstance
- CloudPostgresqlInstanceList
- CloudPostgresqlServerInstance
- CloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- CloudPostgresqlUserList
- CloudPostgresqlUser
- CloudPostgresqlBackup
- CloudPostgresqlBackupList
- CloudPostgresqlBackupDetail
- CloudPostgresqlBackupDetailList
- CloudPostgresqlBucket
- CloudPostgresqlBucketList
- CloudPostgresqlDbServerLog
- CloudPostgresqlDbServerLogList
- CloudHadoopBucketList
- CloudHadoopClusterType
- CloudHadoopClusterTypeList
- CloudHadoopInstance
- CloudHadoopInstanceList
- CloudHadoopNotebookBucket
- CloudHadoopNotebookBucketList
- CloudHadoopNotebookComponent
- CloudHadoopNotebookComponentList
- CloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- CloudHadoopNotebookInstanceList
- CloudHadoopNotebookServerInstance
- CloudHadoopNotebookVersion
- CloudHadoopAddOn
- CloudHadoopServerInstance
- CloudHadoopVersion
- CloudMysqlInstanceListForHiveMetaStore
- CloudPostgresqlDatabase
- CloudMysqlUserForHiveMetaStore
- CloudMysqlUserListForHiveMetaStore
- CloudHadoopObject
- CloudHadoopObjectList
- TargetSubnet
- TargetSubnetList
- CloudHadoopBucket
- TargetVpc
- CloudHadoopAddOnList
- ProductDemandCostByDiscountList
- ProductDemandCostByDiscount
- AppliedCreditHistory
- AppliedProductDiscountHistory
- ProductDiscountHistoryList
- ProductDiscountHistory
- ProductDiscount
- ProductDiscountUseHistory
- MonitorGroupItem
- MetricExportDestination
- PostMetricExport
- PutMetricExport
- CloudMysqlInstanceForHiveMetaStore
- CloudHadoopLoginKey
- CloudHadoopLoginKeyList
- TargetVpcList
- CloudRedisConfigGroupVersionList
- CloudRedisConfigGroupVersion
- CloudRedisBucketList
- CloudRedisBucket
- Account
- UseDate
- ProtocolType
- CloudMongoDbUserList
- CloudMongoDbUser
- CloudDbProduct
- CloudDbProductList
- Platform
- Compute
- Server
- Server 개요
- Server
- Login Key
- Placement Group
- getServerInstanceList
- getServerInstanceDetail
- createServerInstances
- startServerInstances
- stopServerInstances
- rebootServerInstances
- terminateServerInstances
- changeServerInstanceSpec
- getRootPassword
- getRootPasswordServerInstanceList
- setProtectServerTermination
- interruptServerInstance
- Server Image
- removeServerImageSharingPermission
- addServerImageSharingPermission
- getServerImageList
- getServerImageDetail
- getMemberServerImageInstanceList
- getMemberServerImageInstanceDetail
- createMemberServerImageInstance
- deleteMemberServerImageInstances
- setMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- addMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- removeMemberServerImageSharingPermission
- Storage
- Snapshot
- Public IP
- Init Script
- Network Interface
- getNetworkInterfaceList
- getNetworkInterfaceDetail
- createNetworkInterface
- deleteNetworkInterface
- attachNetworkInterface
- detachNetworkInterface
- addNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup
- removeNetworkInterfaceAccessControlGroup
- assignSecondaryIps
- unassignSecondaryIps
- enableFlowLog
- disableFlowLog
- getFlowLogConfigurationList
- Common
- Server 지표
- Auto Scaling
- Auto Scaling 개요
- Launch Configuration
- Auto Scaling Group
- getAutoScalingGroupList
- getAutoScalingGroupDetail
- createAutoScalingGroup
- updateAutoScalingGroup
- deleteAutoScalingGroup
- setDesiredCapacity
- getScheduledActionList
- putScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- deleteScheduledUpdateGroupAction
- getScalingProcessTypeList
- suspendProcesses
- resumeProcesses
- getAutoScalingActivityLogList
- getAutoScalingPolicyList
- getAdjustmentTypeList
- putScalingPolicy
- deleteScalingPolicy
- executePolicy
- Auto Scaling 지표
- Cloud Functions
- Cloud Functions 개요
- v2.1
- Get Package List
- Get Package
- Put Package
- Delete Package
- Get Action List
- Get Action
- Put Action
- Post Action
- Delete Action
- Put Action External Link
- Get Action's Activation List
- Get Action's Activation Detail
- Get Trigger List
- Get Trigger
- Put Trigger
- Post Trigger
- Delete Trigger
- Post Trigger Link Action
- Delete Trigger Link Action
- Put Trigger External Link
- Get Trigger's Activation List
- Get Trigger's Activation Detail
- Get Activation List
- v2.0
- Get Package List
- Get Package
- Put Package
- Delete Package
- Get Action List
- Get Action
- Put Action
- Post Action
- Delete Action
- Post Action External Link
- Get Action's Activation List
- Get Action's Activation Detail
- Get Trigger List
- Get Trigger
- Put Trigger
- Post Trigger
- Delete Trigger
- Post Trigger Link Action
- Delete Trigger Link Action
- Post Trigger External Link
- Get Trigger's Activation List
- Get Trigger's Activation Detail
- Get Activation List
- Metadata
- Server
- Containers
- Container Registry
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service 개요
- Cluster 목록 조회
- Cluster 조회
- Cluster 생성
- Cluster 버전 업그레이드
- Cluster Audit Log 설정
- Cluster Subnet 추가
- Cluster OIDC 설정
- Cluster OIDC 조회
- Cluster IP ACL 설정
- Cluster IP ACL 조회
- Cluster LB Subnet 수정
- Cluster 반납 보호 설정
- Cluster 시크릿 암호화 설정
- Cluster 인증 모드 설정
- Cluster IAM 액세스 목록 조회
- Cluster IAM 액세스 조회
- Cluster IAM 액세스 생성
- Cluster IAM 액세스 수정
- Cluster IAM 액세스 삭제
- Cluster 삭제
- WorkerNode 조회
- WorkerNode 삭제
- NodePool 조회
- NodePool 생성
- NodePool 수정
- NodePool Subnet 수정
- NodePool Label 수정
- NodePool Taint 수정
- NodePool 업그레이드
- NodePool 삭제
- Kubeconfig 조회
- k8s 지원 버전 조회
- 서버 이미지 조회
- 서버 스펙 조회
- Ncloud Kubernetes Service 지표
- Storage
- Object Storage
- Object Storage 개요
- ListBuckets
- PutBucket
- ListObjects
- ListObjectsV2
- HeadBucket
- DeleteBucket
- PutBucketACL
- GetBucketACL
- PutBucketCORS
- GetBucketCORS
- DeleteBucketCORS
- ListMultipartUploads
- PutObject
- PutObject (Copy)
- GetObject
- HeadObject
- DeleteObject
- DeleteMultipleObjects
- PutObjectACL
- GetObjectACL
- OptionsObjectCORS
- InitiateMultipartUpload
- UploadPart
- ListParts
- CompleteMultipartUpload
- AbortMultipartUpload
- Object Storage 지표
- Object Storage
- Networking
- VPC 개요
- VPC Management
- Subnet Management
- Network ACL
- getNetworkAclList
- getNetworkAclDetail
- createNetworkAcl
- deleteNetworkAcl
- setSubnetNetworkAcl
- getNetworkAclRuleList
- addNetworkAclInboundRule
- addNetworkAclOutboundRule
- removeNetworkAclInboundRule
- removeNetworkAclOutboundRule
- setNetworkAclDescription
- getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupList
- getNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupDetail
- createNetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- deleteNetworkAclDenyAllowGroup
- setNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupIpList
- setNetworkAclDenyAllowGroupDescription
- NAT Gateway
- VPC Peering
- Route Table
- Load Balancer
- Load Balancer 개요
- Load Balancer
- addLoadBalancerListenerCertificate
- getLoadBalancerInstanceList
- getLoadBalancerInstanceDetail
- createLoadBalancerInstance
- deleteLoadBalancerInstances
- changeLoadBalancerInstanceConfiguration
- setLoadBalancerInstanceSubnet
- setLoadBalancerDescription
- getLoadBalancerListenerList
- createLoadBalancerListener
- deleteLoadBalancerListeners
- changeLoadBalancerListenerConfiguration
- getLoadBalancerRuleList
- getLoadBalancerListenerCertificatesList
- getListenerCertificates
- Target Group
- Load Balancer 지표
- Global DNS
- Database
- Cloud DB for MySQL
- Cloud DB for MySQL 개요
- addCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- addCloudMysqlUserList
- changeCloudMysqlServerSpec
- changeCloudMysqlUserList
- createCloudMysqlInstance
- createCloudMysqlRecoveryInstance
- createCloudMysqlSlaveInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- deleteCloudMysqlInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlServerInstance
- deleteCloudMysqlUserList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getCloudMysqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudMysqlBackupList
- getCloudMysqlDatabaseList
- getCloudMysqlEventHistoryList
- getCloudMysqlImageProductList
- getCloudMysqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudMysqlInstanceList
- getCloudMysqlProductList
- getCloudMysqlRecoveryTime
- getCloudMysqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMysqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudMysqlUserList
- getDbServerLogList
- rebootCloudMysqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MySQL 지표
- Cloud DB for Redis
- Cloud DB for Redis 개요
- createCloudRedisConfigGroup
- createCloudRedisInstance
- deleteCloudRedisConfigGroup
- deleteCloudRedisInstance
- getCloudRedisBackupDetailList
- getCloudRedisBackupList
- getCloudRedisConfigGroupList
- getCloudRedisImageProductList
- getCloudRedisInstanceDetail
- getCloudRedisInstanceList
- getCloudRedisProductList
- deleteCloudRedisManualBackup
- getCloudRedisConfigGroupVersionList
- createCloudRedisManualBackup
- getCloudRedisManualBackupDetailList
- flushAllCloudRedisServerInstance
- getCloudRedisManualBackupList
- getCloudRedisBucketList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getCloudRedisTargetSubnetList
- rebootCloudRedisServerInstance
- getCloudRedisTargetVpcList
- Cloud DB for Redis 지표
- Cloud DB for MSSQL
- Cloud DB for MSSQL 개요
- createCloudMssqlInstance
- createCloudMssqlSlaveInstance
- deleteCloudMssqlInstance
- deleteCloudMssqlServerInstance
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogsToObjectStorage
- getCloudMssqlLogBackupFileList
- getCloudMssqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudMssqlBackupList
- getCloudMssqlCharacterSetList
- getCloudMssqlConfigGroupList
- getCloudMssqlImageProductList
- getCloudMssqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudMssqlInstanceList
- getCloudMssqlProductList
- getCloudMssqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMssqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudMssqlLogFileList
- getCloudMssqlFolderList
- getCloudMssqlBucketList
- rebootCloudMssqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for MSSQL 지표
- Cloud DB for MongoDB
- Cloud DB for MongoDB 개요
- addCloudMongoDbUserList
- changeCloudMongoDbConfigCount
- changeCloudMongoDbMongosCount
- changeCloudMongoDbSecondaryCount
- changeCloudMongoDbShardCount
- changeCloudMongoDbUserList
- createCloudMongoDbInstance
- deleteCloudMongoDbInstance
- deleteCloudMongoDbUserList
- getCloudMongoDbBucketList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- getCloudMongoDbBackupDetailList
- getCloudMongoDbBackupList
- getCloudMongoDbImageProductList
- getCloudMongoDbInstanceDetail
- getCloudMongoDbInstanceList
- getCloudMongoDbProductList
- getCloudMongoDbTargetSubnetList
- getCloudMongoDbTargetVpcList
- getCloudMongoDbUserList
- rebootCloudMongoDbServerInstance
- getDbServerLogList
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- Cloud DB for MongoDB 지표
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL 개요
- addCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- addCloudPostgresqlUserList
- changeCloudPostgresqlUserList
- createCloudPostgresqlInstance
- createCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- deleteCloudPostgresqlInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlReadReplicaInstance
- deleteCloudPostgresqlUserList
- exportBackupToObjectStorage
- exportDbServerLogToObjectStorage
- getCloudPostgresqlBackupDetailList
- getCloudPostgresqlBackupList
- getCloudPostgresqlBucketList
- getCloudPostgresqlDatabaseList
- getCloudPostgresqlImageProductList
- getCloudPostgresqlInstanceDetail
- getCloudPostgresqlInstanceList
- getCloudPostgresqlProductList
- getCloudPostgreSqlTargetSubnetList
- getCloudPostgresqlTargetVpcList
- getCloudPostgresqlUserList
- getDbServerLogList
- rebootCloudPostgresqlServerInstance
- Cloud DB for PostgreSQL 지표
- Cloud DB for MySQL
- Security
- AI Services
- Application Services
- Simple & Easy Notification Service
- GeoLocation
- Cloud Outbound Mailer
- Cloud Outbound Mailer 개요
- createMailRequest
- getMail
- getMailRequestList
- getMailList
- getMailRequestStatus
- createFile
- getFile
- deleteFile
- createAddressBook
- getAddressBook
- deleteAddressBook
- deleteRecipientGroup
- deleteAddress
- deleteRecipientGroupRelation
- deleteRecipientGroupRelationEmpty
- getUnsubscribersList
- createCategory
- createConfig
- createTemplate
- createTemplateExportRequest
- deleteCategory
- deleteTemplate
- deleteUnsubscribers
- exportTemplate
- getConfig
- getSendBlockList
- getTemplate
- getTemplateExportRequestList
- getTemplateStructure
- importTemplate
- registerUnsubscribers
- restoreTemplate
- updateCategory
- updateTemplate
- updateTemplateLocationOrName
- API Gateway
- API Gateway 개요
- API Key
- Authorizer
- Canary Test
- Dashboard API Key
- Dashboard Event
- Dashboard Product
- Document
- Export
- Gateway Response
- Gateway Response Header
- Gateway Response Template
- Method
- Method Request Body
- Method Request Parameter
- Method Response
- Method Response Body
- Method Response Header
- Model
- Product
- Published Product
- Resource
- Stage
- Stage Deployment
- Stage Resource
- Usage Plan
- API Gateway 릴리스 노트
- Big Data & Analytics
- Cloud Hadoop
- Cloud Hadoop 개요
- backupClusterConfiguration
- changeCloudHadoopNodeCount
- changeCloudHadoopNodeSpec
- createCloudHadoopInstance
- createCloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- deleteCloudHadoopInstance
- deleteCloudHadoopNotebookInstance
- getCloudHadoopAddOnList
- getCloudHadoopBucketList
- getCloudHadoopClusterTypeList
- getCloudHadoopImageProductList
- getCloudHadoopInstanceDetail
- getCloudHadoopInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopLoginKeyList
- getCloudHadoopMysqlInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopMysqlUserList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookBucketList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookComponentList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookImageProductList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookInstanceDetail
- getCloudHadoopNotebookInstanceList
- getCloudHadoopNotebookProductList
- getCloudHadoopObjectList
- getCloudHadoopProductList
- getCloudHadoopTargetSubnetList
- getCloudHadoopTargetVpcList
- saveExternalHiveMetaStore
- testConnectExternalHiveMetaStore
- Cloud Hadoop 지표
- Search Engine Service
- Search Engine Service 개요
- Cluster
- Search Engine Cluster 생성
- Search Engine Version 조회
- OS Product 조회
- Node Product 조회
- VPC 목록 조회
- Subnet 목록 조회
- Search Engine Cluster 삭제
- Search Engine Cluster 노드 추가
- Search Engine Cluster 재시작
- Search Engine User 패스워드 초기화
- Search Engine Cluster 목록 조회
- Search Engine Cluster Data 노드 조회
- Search Engine Cluster ACG 조회
- Search Engine Cluster 노드 그룹별 스펙 조회
- Search Engine Cluster 노드 그룹별 변경 가능 스펙 조회
- Search Engine Cluster 노드 스펙 변경
- 인증키 목록 조회
- Search Engine Cluster 노드 타입 변경
- Rolling Upgrade Pre Check
- Rolling Upgrade Cluster
- Rolling Upgrade 진행 상태 조회
- Dashboard
- Monitoring
- Snapshot
- Import
- Search Engine Service 지표
- Cloud Data Streaming Service
- Cloud Data Streaming Service 지표
- Cloud Data Streaming Service 개요
- Cluster
- Cluster Rolling 재시작 진행 상태 조회
- Cluster Rolling 재시작 요청
- Cluster Rolling 재시작 사전 체크
- Rolling UpGrade 진행 상태 조회
- Rolling UpGrade 요청
- Rolling UpGrade 사전 체크
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 생성
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 생성 (Return ID)
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Version 조회
- OS Product 조회
- Node Product 조회
- VPC 목록 조회
- Subnet 목록 조회
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 삭제
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 노드 추가
- 전체 서비스 재시작
- CMAK 재시작
- Kafka 재시작
- 노드별 Kafka 재시작
- CMAK 접속 패스워드 초기화
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 목록 조회
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 단건 조회
- 클러스터 상태 확인
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster 노드 조회
- 브로커 노드 정보 확인
- Cloud Data Streaming Service Cluster ACG 조회
- 인증서 다운로드
- Public Domain 활성화
- Public Domain 비활성화
- 로드밸런서 목록 조회
- 브로커 노드 Public Endpoint 활성화
- 브로커 노드 Public Endpoint 비활성화
- 노드 그룹별 스펙 조회
- 노드 그룹별 변경 가능 스펙 조회
- 노드 스펙 변경
- Monitoring
- ConfigGroup
- Cloud Hadoop
- Content Delivery
- Developer Tools
- SourceCommit
- SourceBuild
- SourceDeploy
- SourceDeploy 개요
- 프로젝트 목록
- 프로젝트 생성
- 프로젝트 삭제
- 스테이지 목록
- 스테이지 상세
- 스테이지 생성
- 스테이지 수정
- 스테이지 삭제
- 시나리오 목록
- 시나리오 상세
- 시나리오 생성
- 시나리오 수정
- 시나리오 삭제
- 배포 시작
- 배포 취소
- 배포 승인 요청
- 배포 승인
- 배포 거절
- Canary 배포 승인
- Canary 배포 거절
- 배포 이력 목록
- 배포 이력 상세
- Canary 분석 단계 목록 조회
- Canary 분석 리포트
- Server 목록
- AutoScalingGroup 목록 조회
- NcloudKubernetesService 클러스터 목록
- targetGroup 목록
- SourceCommit 리파지토리 목록
- SourceCommit 브랜치 목록
- SourceBuild 목록
- ObjectStorage 버킷 목록
- ObjectStorage 오브젝트 목록
- SourcePipeline
- Hybrid & Private Cloud
- Management & Governance
- Cloud Log Analytics
- Sub Account
- Sub Account 개요
- 서브 계정
- 서브 계정 목록 조회
- 서브 계정 조회
- 서브계정 수정
- 서브계정 생성
- 서브계정 삭제
- Access Key 조회
- Access Key 생성
- Access Key 삭제
- Access Key 상태 설정
- 로그인 접속키 조회
- 로그인 접속키 설정
- 로그인 아이디 체크
- 로그인 비밀번호 체크
- 유휴 세션 만료 시간 설정
- 유휴 세션 만료 시간 조회
- 로그인 비밀번호 만료일 조회
- 로그인 비밀번호 만료일 설정
- 로그인 비밀번호 재설정
- 정책 할당
- 정책 삭제
- 그룹 추가
- 그룹 삭제
- 콘솔 접근 규칙 조회
- 콘솔 접근 규칙 수정
- API 접근 규칙 조회
- API 접근 규칙 수정
- 2차 인증 정보 조회
- 태그 조회
- 태그 추가
- 태그 삭제
- 사용자 정보 조회
- 사용자 아이디 조회
- 그룹
- 정책
- 역할
- Secure Token Service
- Network Traffic Monitoring
- Cloud Activity Tracer
- Resource Manager
- Cloud Insight
- Cloud Insight 개요
- Dashboard
- Event
- Event Rule
- CopyRuleGroup
- CreateMetricsGrp
- CreateMonitorGrp
- CreateRuleDirectly
- CreateRuleGroup
- DeleteMetricGroupForce
- DeleteMetricsGrp
- DeleteMetricsGrpByProdKeyAndId
- DeleteMonitorGroupForce
- DeleteMonitorGrp
- DeleteRuleGroup
- DeleteRuleGroupByProdKeyAndId
- GetAllMonitorGrp
- GetMonitorGrp
- GetMetricsGroup
- GetMetricsGroupList
- GetNotificationRecipientList
- GetRuleGroup
- GetRuleGroupByMetricGroupIds
- GetRuleGroupByMonitorGroupIds
- GetRuleGroupList
- RemoveResourceFromRules
- SearchMetricList
- UpdateMetricsGroup
- UpdateMonitorGrp
- UpdateRuleGroup
- Schema
- Custom Resource
- Planned Maintenance
- Plugin
- Server
- Data
- Integration
- Metric Export
- Cloud Insight 지표
- Web service Monitoring System
- Ncloud Single Sign-On
- Ncloud Single Sign-On 개요
- 계정에 사용자 정의 정책 존재 여부 확인
- Application 목록 조회
- Application 단건 조회
- Application 생성
- Application 수정
- Application 삭제
- Tenant 조회
- Tenant 생성
- Tenant 수정
- Tenant 삭제
- [Oauth2] Client Secret 재생성
- External IDP 등록
- External IDP 조회
- External IDP 수정
- External IDP 삭제
- AttributeMapper 수정
- AttributeMapper 조회
- External IDP 메타데이터 파싱
- Ncloud Single Sign-On 메타데이터 조회
- Ncloud Single Sign-On URL데이터 조회
- External IDP 로그인 설정
- Organization 연동
- User 로그인 아이디 유효성 검사
- User 생성
- User 대량 생성
- User 수정
- User 삭제
- User 목록 삭제
- User 목록 조회
- User 단건 조회
- User Access Rules 조회
- User Access Rules 수정
- User Profile 조회
- User를 Group에 추가
- User를 포함하는 Group 목록 조회
- User를 포함하는 Group 단건 조회
- User를 Group에서 제거
- User 상태 변경
- User Session 조회
- User Session 만료
- User가 속한 Assignment 목록 조회
- User를 Assignment에서 제거
- User에 MFA Device 추가
- User가 가진 MFA Device 조회
- User가 가진 MFA Device 삭제
- Group 이름 유효성 검사
- Group 생성
- Group 목록 조회
- Group 단건 조회
- Group 수정
- Group 삭제
- Group 목록 삭제
- Group을 User에 추가
- Group에 속한 User 목록 조회
- Group이 속한 Assignment 목록 조회
- Group을 User에서 제거
- Group을 Assignment에서 제거
- Permission Set 목록 조회
- Permission Set 단건 조회
- Permission Set 생성
- Permission Set 수정
- Permission Set 삭제
- Permission Set 다건 삭제
- Permission Set에 할당할 수 있는 Policy 목록 조회
- Permission Set 내 Policy 존재 여부 확인
- Permission Set 내 Policy 삭제
- Permission Set 이름 유효성 검사
- Assignment 생성
- Assignment 목록 조회
- Assignment 단건 조회
- Assignment 수정
- Assignment 상태 변경
- Assignment 삭제
- Assignment Target 조회
- Assignment Target 추가
- Assignment Target 삭제
- Assignment에 IP ACL 추가
- Assignment에 속한 IP ACL 목록 조회
- Assignment에 속한 IP ACL 삭제
- Account 목록 조회
- IP ACL 이름 유효성 검사
- IP ACL 생성
- IP ACL 수정
- IP ACL 목록 삭제
- IP ACL 단건 삭제
- IP ACL 목록 조회
- IP ACL 단건 조회
- IP ACL에 Assignment 추가
- IP ACL이 포함된 Assignment 조회
- IP ACL에 할당된 Assignment 제거
- Media
기사 요약
이 요약이 도움이 되었나요?
의견을 보내 주셔서 감사합니다.
사람의 목소리를 인식하여 작동하는 비서 애플리케이션, 챗봇, 음성 메모 등의 서비스를 만들 때 활용할 수 있는 음성 인식 API 서비스입니다. 음성 데이터는 API를 통해 CLOVA Speech Recognition(CSR) 엔진으로 전송되며, 해당 음성 데이터를 인식해서 텍스트로 변환하여 전달해줍니다.
공통 설정
클라이언트 아이디는 NAVER Cloud Platform 콘솔에서 애플리케이션을 등록해 발급받습니다.
콘솔의 AI·NAVER API > AI·NAVER API > Application에서 애플리케이션을 등록합니다. 자세한 방법 보기 >
AI·NAVER API > AI·NAVER API > Application에서 등록한 애플리케이션을 선택해 Client ID와 Client Secret값을 확인합니다.
AI·NAVER API > AI·NAVER API > Application의 변경 화면에서 CLOVA Speech Recognition가 선택되어 있는지 확인합니다. 선택되어 있지 않으면 429 (Quota Exceed)가 발생하니 주의하시기 바랍니다.
STT API 사용하기
STT API는 REST API이며, 음성인식할 음성 데이터를 HTTP 통신으로 음성인식 서버에 전달하면 됩니다. 음성인식 서버가 제공하는 REST API의 URI는 다음과 같으며 POST 방식으로 연결을 시도해야 합니다.
Method | Request URI |
POST | https://naveropenapi.apigw-pub.fin-ntruss.com/recog/v1/stt |
요청 헤더
헤더명 | 설명 |
X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY-ID | 앱 등록 시 발급받은 Client IDX-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY-ID:{Client ID} |
X-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY | 앱 등록 시 발급 받은 Client SecretX-NCP-APIGW-API-KEY:{Client Secret} |
Content-Type | application/octet-stream으로 고정Content-Type: application/octet-stream |
오류 코드
"error": {
"errorCode": "300",
"message": "Not Found Exception"
공통 오류
HttpStatusCode | ErrorCode | ErrorMessage | Description |
400 | 100 | Bad Request Exception | protocol(https), endocing(UTF-8) 등 request 오류 |
401 | 200 | Authentication Failed | 인증실패 |
401 | 210 | Permission Denied | 권한없음 |
404 | 300 | Not Found Exception | 권한없음 |
429 | 400 | Quota Exceeded | Quota 초과 |
429 | 410 | Throttle Limited | Rate 초과 |
429 | 420 | Rate Limited | Rate 초과 |
413 | 430 | Request Entity Too Large | content-length 초과 (10MB) |
503 | 500 | Endpoint Error | 엔드포인트 연결오류 |
504 | 510 | Endpoint Timeout | 엔드포인트 연결시간 초과 |
500 | 900 | Unexpected Error | 예외처리가 안된 오류 |
API 오류
HttpStatusCode | ErrorCode | ErrorMessage | Description |
413 | STT000 | Request Entity Too Large | 허용 음성데이터 용량 초과 ( 최대 3MB ) |
413 | STT001 | Exceed Sound Data length | 허용 음성데이터 길이 초과 ( 60초 ) |
400 | STT002 | Invalid Content Type | application/octet-stream 이외의 content-type인 경우 발생 |
400 | STT003 | Empty Sound Data | 음성 데이터가 입력되지 않았음 |
400 | STT004 | Empty Language | 언어 파라미터가 입력되지 않았음 |
400 | STT005 | Invalid Language | 정해진 언어 이외의 언어 값이 입력됨 |
500 | STT006 | Failed to pre-processing | 음성인식 전처리 중 오류가 발생 음성 데이터가 정상적인 wav, mp3, flac 인지 확인이 필요 |
500 | STT998 | Failed to STT | 음성인식 중 오류 발생 고객지원을 통해 문의하면 신속히 조치 예정 |
500 | STT999 | Internal Server Error | 알 수 없는 오류 발생 고객지원을 통해 문의하면 신속히 조치 예정 |
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